Manuals etc
- JOEL software manual
- User manual (updated 2018)
- JEOL writing time estimation (excel spreadsheet)
- JEOL scan speed calculation (excel spreadsheet)
Bi-layer PMMA recipe
C.S. Allen 30.11.2012
- Clean Si chip by sonication in acetone (5 mins),IPA rinse, blow dry.
- Spin PMMA 495 A8 for 60s at 4500rpm (spin recipe ALEXPMMA).
- Bake on hotplate at 180C for 90s.
- Spin PMMA 950 A8 for 60s at 4500rpm (spin recipe ALEXPMMA).
- Bake on hotplate at 180C for 90s.
- Expose at dose 600-850 uC/cm2.
- Develop in MIBK:IPA (1:3) at 25C(+/- 1C) for 45s.
- After metal deposition or etch lift off in either:
- Acetone at 80C for at least 2 hours followed agitation in acetone followed by IPA rinse.
- DMSO at 80C for at least 2 hours followed by acetone with agitation followed by IPA rinse. N.B. We suspect hot DMSO damages graphene

Cross section of bi-layer resist.
- Mono-layer 495 A8 60s at 4500rpm, thickness ~ 520 nm.
- Monolayer 950 A8 60s at 4500 rpm, thickness ~ 650 nm.
- Bilayer thickness ~ 1200 nm.
Negative resist recipe
C.S. Allen 08.10.2012
- Clean Si chip by sonication in acetone (5 min), IPA rinse, blow dry.
- Spin maN-2405 for 30s at 3000 rpm (spin recipe MAN2405).
- Bake on hotplate at 90C for 90s.
- Expose at dose 200 uC/cm2.
- Develop in ma-D525 @ 25C(+/- .1C) for 150s
- Rinse in DI water for 5 mins.
- Transfer to fresh DI water and rinse for a further 5 mins.
- After metal deposition or etch lift off in mr-REM 660 at 50C for 1 hour followed by gentle agitation in mr-REM 660.