Mr. Chit Siong, Aaron, Lau
DPhil Student
Chit Siong completed his Bachelor of Science with 1st class Honours in Physics from the National University of Singapore. He did his Final Year Project in collaboration with the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE) on XPS surface science study of photocatalytic materials.
He is now pursuing his Dphil in Materials working on single-molecule electronics under the guidance of Prof. Andrew Briggs (University of Oxford), Prof. Jamie Warner (University of Oxford), Dr. Jan Mol (University of Oxford) and Dr. Wang Shi Jie (IMRE); and sponsored by Agency for Science, Technology and Research (ASTAR) in Singapore.
Department of Materials
University of Oxford
12/13 Parks Road
Oxford OX1 3PH
Email: chit.lau@materials.ox.ac.uk
*Equal contribution
C. S. Lau, J. A. Mol, J. H. Warner, G. A. D. Briggs. Nanoscale Control of Graphene Electrodes Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2014)
J. A. Mol*,C. S. Lau*, W. Lewis, H. Sadeghi, C. Roche, A. Cnossen, J.H. Warner, C.J. Lambert, H. L. Anderson, G. A. D. Briggs.
Graphene-porphyrin single-molecule transistors Nanoscale (2015)
H. Sadeghi, J. A. Mol, C. S. Lau, G. A. D. Briggs, J. H. Warner, C.J. Lambert. Conductance enlargement in picoscale electroburnt graphene nanojunctions PNAS (2015)
P. Puczkarski, P. Gehring, C. S. Lau, J. Liu, A. Ardavan, J. H. Warner, G. A. D. Briggs, J. A. Mol. Three-terminal graphene single-electron transistor fabricated using feedback-controlled electroburning Applied Physics Letters (2015)
C. S. Lau, H. Sadeghi, G. Rogers, S. Sangtarash, P. Dallas, K. Porfyrakis, J. H. Warner, C.J. Lambert, G. A. D. Briggs, J. A. Mol. Redox-dependent Franck-Condon blockade and avalanche transport in a graphene-fullerene single-molecule transistor Nano Letters (2015)
HJ. Tan, Y. Fan, YM. Rong, B. Porter, C. S. Lau, YQ. Zhou, ZY. He, SS. Wang, H. Bhaskaran, J. H. Warner. Doping Graphene Transistors Using Vertical Stacked Monolayer WS2 Heterostructures Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces (2015)