Mr. Kuang He
PhD Student
Department of Materials
University of Oxford
16 Parks Road
Oxford OX1 3PH
Email: kuang.he@materials.ox.ac.uk
Tel: +44 1865 73717
Kuang completed his BEng undergraduate degree in Materials Science and Enginerring with 1st Class Honour degree at Imperial College London in 2011. His final year project, supervised by Prof. Nobert Klein involved with integration of Radio-frequency identification technology in airport security system has won the best final year project of that year.
In October 2011, Kuang joined the Department of Materials in Oxford. His primary interests are using aberration corrected high resolution transmission electron microscopy to characterise graphene at monatomic resolution and study its defect and dislocation structures.
22. Chuncheng Gon, Kuang He, Alex W. Robertson, Euijoon Yoon, Gun-Do Lee, and Jamie Warner, Spatially Dependent Lattice Deformation of Dislocations at the Edges of Graphene. ACS Nano
21. Kuang He, Alex. W. Robertson, Sungwoo Lee, Euijoon Yoon, Gun-Do Lee, and Jamie H. Warner, Extended Klein Edges in Graphene. ACS Nano
20. Jamie H. Warner, Yung-Chang Lin, Kuang He, Masanori Koshino, and Kazu Suenaga, Atomic Level Spatial Variations of Energy States along Graphene Edges. Nano Letters
19. Gun-Do Lee, Euijoon Yoon, Kuang He, Alex W. Robertson and Jamie H. Warner, Detailed formation processes of stable dislocations in graphene. Nanoscale
18. Shanshan Wang, Youming Rong, Ye Fan, Merce Pacios, Harish Bhaskaran, Kuang He, and Jamie H. Warner, Shape Evolution of Monolayer MoS2 crystals Grown by chemical Vapor Deposition. Chemistry of Materials
17. Jamie H. Warner, Yung-Chang Lin, Kuang He, Masanori Koshino, and Kazu Suenaga, Stability and Spectroscopy of Single Nitrogen Dopants in Graphene at Elevated Temperatures. ACS Nano (ASAP)
16. Y. Fan, K. He, H. Tan, S. Speller, J. H. Warner, Crack-Free Growth and Transfer of Continuous Monolayer Graphene Grown on Melted Copper. Chemistry of Materials (2014)
15. Gong, C.; Robertson, A. W.; He, K.; Ford, C.; Watt, A. A. R.; Warner, J. H. Interactions of Pb and Te Atoms with Graphene. Dalton Transactions, ASAP (2014).
14. Robertson, A. W.; Lee, G. -D.; He, K.; Yoon, E.; Kirkland, A. I.; Warner, J. H. Stability and Dynamics of the Tetravacancy in Graphene. Nano Letters, 14, 1634-1642 (2014).
13. Rong, Y.; Fan, Y.; Koh, A. L.; Robertson, A. W.; He, K.; Wang, S.; Tan, H.; Sinclair, R.; Warner, J. H. Controlling Sulphur Precursor Addition for Large Single Crystal Domains of WS2. Nanoscale, 6, 12096-12103 (2014).
12. Kuang He, Gun-Do Lee, Alex W. Robertson, Euijoon Yoon, Jamie H. Warner Hydrogen-free graphene edges Nature Communcations(2014)
11. Alex W. Robertson, Kuang He, Angus I. Kirkland , and Jamie H. Warner Inflating Graphene with Atomic Scale Blisters Nano Letters(2014)
10.Christopher S. Allen,Guoquan Liu,Yabin Chen,Alex W. Robertson,Kuang He, Kyriakos Porfyrakis,Jin Zhang,G. Andrew D. Briggsa and Jamie H. Warner Optically enhanced charge transfer between C60 and single-wall carbon nanotubes in hybrid electronic devices Nanoscale 2013)
9.Alex W. Robertson , Camden Ford , Kuang He , Angus I. Kirkland , Andrew A. R. Watt , and Jamie H. Warner PbTe Nanocrystal Arrays on Graphene and the Structural Influence of Capping Ligands Chemistry of Materials (2013)
8.Jamie H. Warner, Gun-Do Lee, Kuang He, Alex. W. Robertson, Euijoon Yoon, and Angus I. Kirkland Bond Length and Charge Density Variations within Extended Arm Chair Defects in Graphene ACS Nano (2013)
7.Jamie H. Warner; Zheng Liu; Kuang He; Alex W. Robedrtson; Kazu Suenaga. Sensitivity of graphene edge states to surface adatom interactions. Nano Letters (2013)
6.Jamie H. Warner; Ye Fan; Alex W. Robertson; Kuang He; Euijoon Yoon; Gun Do Lee. Rippling Graphene at the Nanoscale through Dislocation Addition Nano Letters (2013)
5. Mthunzi P; He K; Ngcobo S; Khanyile T; Warner JH. Graphene for improved femtosecond laser based pluripotent stem cell transfection.Journal of Biophotonics (2013)
4. Robertson, A. W.; Montanari, B.; He, K.; Allen, C. S.; Wu, Y. A.; Harrison, N.; Kirkland, A. I.; Warner, J. H. Structural Reconstruction of the Graphene Monovacancy. ACS Nano, ASAP (2013).
3. Y. A. Wu , Y. Fan, S. Speller, G. Creeth, J. Sadowski, K. He, A. Robertson, C. Allen, J. H. Warner, Large Single Crystals of Graphene on Melted Copper using Chemical Vapour Deposition. ACS Nano, 2012, 6, 5010-5017. (IF: 11.421)
2. Robertson, A. W.; Montanari, B.; He, K.; Kim, J.; Allen, C. S.; Wu, Y. A.; Olivier, J. ; Neethling, J.; Harrison, N.; Kirkland, A. I.; Warner, J. H. Dynamics of Single Fe Atoms in Graphene Vacancies. Nano Letters 2013.
1. Robertson, A. W.; Allen, C. S.; Wu, Y. A.; He, K.; Olivier, J.; Neethling, J.; Kirkland, A. I.; Warner, J. H. Spatial Control of Defect Creation in Graphene at the Nanoscale. Nature Communications, 3, 1144, (2012).